novakayne Member


  • I am with you on all these as workout music. Although I am not a huge fan of a couple of those bands such as skillet, the beat that they deliver makes for great workout music. Sometimes I even go a little hard with children of bodom and hatebreed and 5FDP
  • God you husband found a good woman. My wife hates beer and I love beer. Not that pissy no flavor beer like the "low calorie" or light beers. I love full flavored big body beers which cramped my style when I first started my dieting. Best bet leave it alone. Drink occasionally. It's harder than leaving the sweet alone for…
    in Beer :( Comment by novakayne March 2011
  • Too funny. Lesson learned for me, read the topic before trolling into a random thread. It has got to be awkward to exercise with them in the way can only imagine. Had some comical images in my mind with the few posts I read. Especially the one girl doing yoga with large chest. Actually laughed out loud on that one. Good…
  • Or maybe they are too embarrassed they DIDN'T!.:)
  • I also just joined today. Looking for some friends that share the same goals. Friend me if you like or just send me a message.
  • I had the same problem keyleigh. Drove me nuts. I just took the scale out of my house to keep me from doing it. Was dumb of me to have it in the bathroom and the temptation of using the scale when I walked in.