myrtille87 Member


  • Tea! I like to have a wide variety to stop me getting bored. Today I bought some jasmine pearl green tea, and some vanilla chai rooibos.
  • What you "should" do is based on what you personally need to keep you sane and on track. I regularly go over my calorie goal and consciously have a cheat day most weeks where I will have dessert and wine. Or a night out with rather more than a glass of wine! I need those things because if I didn't allow myself them I would…
  • If you've only got 1,500 calories to play with per day, the reality is it's pretty hard to feel full whilst eating high calorie foods. I could blow those calories on one meal and then be hungry all day which would such. There's no way I'm going to eat a whole bag of sweets on my way home from work as a snack anymore,…
  • Eat stuff you like but take care with portion sizes. You say you used to give in and eat a whole rotisserie chicken, so I'm assuming that's something you like. There is nothing wrong with chicken! I often buy a whole roast chicken, strip it down into portions and use it for lunches over the course of a week. My partner…
  • 2 poached eggs on a toasted wholemeal muffin with a little butter, salt and pepper. Yum.
  • Counting calories and staying under my goal, but over the course of a week rather than each day. For example, on Monday I was hungry and needed an extra snack, so I went 120 calories over my daily goal, but according to the weekly net calories bar chart on the app, I'm still under my goal overall. I eat whatever fits in my…
  • The Guideline Daily Allowance of sugar in the UK is 90g, so it sounds like you're still well below that. Although I have heard the guidelines should be updated based on more recent research and that 45g is better. If you're not eating loads of added sugar (in biscuits, yoghurts, desserts, etc.) I wouldn't worry too much.
  • Interesting idea - might try it out on my boyfriend who normally won't eat cauliflower. Any tips for cooking it without a microwave?
  • I just mix a small amount of oats with Greek yoghurt and blueberries in the morning and eat it straight away. Is there something wrong with that? I don't find it excessively dry (but I do a 5:1 ratio of yoghurt to oats) so don't see the point in leaving it for longer. Now the weather is cooling I'll probably do porridge…
  • I love tea! I basically drink tea as my main fluid intake (only drink water whilst working or exercising), so I like to break things up. I mostly buy Twinings as that's the main brand you can get a wide variety of in UK supermarkets. Black teas: -normal breakfast tea with milk (no sugar) - brand of choice is Yorkshire Tea.…
    in Tea Comment by myrtille87 September 2014
  • SW - 165 (a few lbs overweight) CW - 152 (high end of a healthy BMI) GW - 140 (near the middle of healthy BMI) OR 20% body fat (which should be about 144lbs). I have always been fairly muscular so carry a fair bit of weight in terms of muscle on arms and legs, plus I have large boobs. So 125 (the lowest weight that is…
  • Wow, I wish I had your problem! I would happily eat 2,500 calories every day, which is why I needed to lose some weight. My goal is set to 1,520 and some days I eat that, others I eat 1,800+ and burn some off. As an afternoon snack, I like to have a banana with a tablespoon of peanut butter. That comes to about 200…
  • Depends what I'm making. On toast/potatoes - real butter (lightly salted). In Mediterannean dishes or for roasting vegetables - olive oil. Stirfries - vegetable or sunflower oil, sometimes dressed with sesame oil. Baking - sometimes buy margarine (eg: stork for cakes) as it's cheaper if I'm making a lot. But haven't baked…
  • I've got mine set to 45:25:30, purely because I was finding it impossible to get anywhere near 30% protein whilst eating in a sustainable way that fits what I like to eat. Before using MP I estimate I was eating more like 55:15:30, so it's an improvement, and fits the way I like to eat. I have some kind of carbs at every…
  • I drink loads of tea because I don't really like drinking water (I only drink water when I'm exercising or working - I'm a teacher and have a water bottle on my desk at all times to avoid getting a dry throat and losing my voice). I normally have about 3 cups (large ones!) of regular tea with semi-skimmed milk (no sugar),…
  • I love food. So if I'm 200 calories under for the day, I will definitely use those calories. Having spare calories left over doesn't happen to me very often to be honest. Not because I'm fixated on the magic number MFP has given me to eat (currently 1,520 calories) and am worried things will go wrong if I only eat 1,320.…
  • Great, thanks everyone! :) I just keep seeing all these posts saying that if you're not eating crazy amounts of protein and doing loads of weight training you'll end up losing muscle not just fat. So thanks for the reassurance. For the person who thought I was 140lbs, I think you just misread my post. I currently weigh 10…
  • I do, but I only log it when I have weighed in at below the next lb down. So a few days ago I weighed 10 stone 12. The last couple of days I've weighed 10 stone 11.6/2. I will log my weight on MFP when it's exactly 10 stone 11 or lower. I know the overall trend is downwards so I don't worry if one morning my weight is…
  • Yep, almost exactly the same here. I'm going to be a bridesmaid next July and my friend can't afford to get dresses for us, so said to wear any nice, plain, bright coloured dress. I ordered a beautiful dress off eBay (it's a proper bridesmaid dress so only worn once, and is really good quality - I only paid £15 including…
  • If I had to be very careful money-wise, I would cut out meat (more or less). I would get my protein primarily from beans/lentils/chickpeas and do things like vegetable curries, casseroles, tagines, etc. with rice/pasta/couscous depending what went best with the flavours I was using. I would eat meat if I found some at less…
  • Cutting down (if you drink quite a lot) is a good idea as alcohol contains lots of calories without filling you up or providing a great deal of nutrition. In the past few weeks I've only had a glass or two of wine per week, when back in May/June time it was more like that per day! This has definitely been necessary to help…
  • I use MFP because my exercise is pretty erratic (I'm a teacher and in the summer holidays I was regularly swimming/cycling/walking for over an hour per day but now school has started back I'm lucky if I fit in exercise once or twice a week). I've got it set to lose 1lb per week, and it tells me to eat 1,530 calories per…
  • I log my breakfast and lunch (packed lunch for work - usually a wrap or salad) in the morning or the night before. I often roughly log my dinner before I make it to give me an idea of what calories I've got left for snacks. But obviously I haven't weighed everything before I make dinner, so I then adjust it.
  • Jesus, university life in America sounds terrible! I can't imagine a year without a kitchen (we had a cooking rota and made amazing dinners in my halls of residence in first year of uni). Try to buy fruit at a market or somewhere and stock up for a few days. That way you're more likely to get good quality produce and…
  • I think on a vegetarian diet you're likely to have a higher intake of carbohydrates than people who eat meat. That doesn't mean you can't get plenty of protein, just that you'll probably be getting a fair bit of carbohydrate along with it. Beans, lentils, chickpeas etc. all contain protein (as well as carbs) and you don't…
  • I second ratatouille, caponata and melanzane parmigiana. I don't have a recipe for ratatouille, but basically chop aubergine (eggplant), courgette (zucchini) and peppers, then fry in a little olive oil, add garlic and herbs, put the lid on for a bit to help them cook, add chopped tomatoes (2 tins) and leave to simmer. For…
  • I use this version which has tinned tomatoes rather than pasta sauce (so less extra rubbish) but add mushrooms and carrots so it's got some veg in it other than tomatoes. I think I sometimes add wine too, so it ends up quite bourgignony in terms of the…
  • I just inputted 100g of quinoa, 100g of couscous and 100g of bulgur wheat (all dry weight) into MFP to compare. Calories-wise they were pretty similar (368, 370, 376). Couscous and quinoa both had 13g protein whereas bulgur whear only had 10. Couscous was higher in carbs and quinoa was higher in fat out of the 2. I really…
  • I am now officially in the healthy weight range for my height. On Wednesday night I swam the furthest I've ever done- 75 lengths, 1,875m.
  • I'd say I'm currently slimmer than the 25% picture but definitely a fair bit fatter than the 20% one. I know people are saying they think the 25% picture is actually higher than that, so maybe I'm a real 25%... I'd like to be 18-20%, both of those look great. I have pretty muscular arms and legs anyway so once I lose a bit…