Ptscorp5763 Member


  • Just move on. My advice would be to stop buying and/or keeping your addiction in the house. I'm speaking from a chocoholic's own personal experience. You have to have a treat once in a while though. :-)
  • What tremendous hard work! Good luck and stay safe.
  • Whenever I get frustrated I try to remember how long it took me to gain 100# and that its not going to come off overnight. I know it's hard but baby steps will get you there.
  • Since I try to eat clean 99% of the time when I get groceries I just stay on the outer edges of the store. If what I want isn't on the outside edges of the store I don't buy it. I know that if I venture towards the center aisles I will head straight for my addiction (chocolate). My advice: Stay on the outside edges and…
  • You should notice a difference in about 2 weeks, or at least that's what happened to me. After the 30 days I started Killer Buns & Thighs and will do that for another 30 days. Talk about a "killer"!!! Anyway my plan is to do each video (I have 4 of Jillian's workout videos) for 30 days and start over again or buy some…