coffeegirl1015 Member


  • Hi all! I have started doing keto in an effort to control my blood sugar and drop the weight I have gained. I used to be an avid speed walker and in excellent shape. Then my blood sugar started crashing. It was so bad I had to stop all physical activity. The worst part was all the tests came back "normal". It was quite…
  • Started Keto and loving it thus far! 11 pounds melted away without really trying. Love the fact that it kills the appetite for sugar and carbs when your ratio's are correct! Would really appreciate any and all feedback on your experiences through trial and error. What have you found works and what hasn't and why? I tried…
  • I like the idea of staying away from the scale. I need to lose about 40 pounds and I know that hopping on that scale is really getting to me. I have successfully lost 150 pounds and kept it off until I had surgery. That really messed with my system and I have had a hard time getting back on track. I love the feeling of…