nellyp0oh Member


  • omg me 2!!! my knees, shins, and ankles are killing me!!! I don't wanna stop but I'm thinking I should, I havent tried the Xstretch yet though
  • I think I just might try that. Today was D3L2 and my knees are killing me for some reason. My joints hurt the most, they started hurting me D10 on L1. Maybe Xstretch will help.
  • I was gonna try P90x since I have it, but I am not ready for that one just yet!! 6wks 6packs is good too. I did it friday and havent done it since. I'm gonna try that after my 30days are up. I figured once I conquer Jillian Micheals, I can finally do P90x. Pushups are my biggest struggle.
  • Those planks in L2 are killing me! I started L2 today and I had to do all modified versions of the plank stuff. Its funny how squats were always the one thing I hated, but now they are getting easier to do than anything else. The second set of knee ups (whatever they are called) are a killer!!! Ugh!!! Has anyone tried…
  • L2D1 (11/30) complete. OMG I thought I was ready for L2!!! I am so glad there are modified versions for the plank work bc OMG!!! Hopefully like L1 I will have it down pact by D5. I am convinced that with L2 I will see more results. So far I have lost no pounds, but I have lost an inch off of my arms, thighs, stomach, and…
  • Yes everyday. I'm moving up to L2 tomorrow!! OO joy. Yea I'm addicted too.
  • I just previewed L2 of 30day Shredd and I think I'll be ready to move up on Sunday (day 11/30). After doing the first level in 6wk 6pack today, Level 2 on 30day Shred looks doable. It's a lil similar to L1 in 6wk 6pk (that dvd is harder to me though...for now)
  • D9L1 complete!!! I haven't lost any pounds yet, but I did lose an inch on my arms, thighs, abs, and hips!!! I know I should start trying L2 on Sunday but I still do modified exercises and think I should master those before moving on. On D1, I couldn't even do 1 modified push-up!! Now I can do a set and half of the second…
  • I need to burn more calories and I do not have any machines at home. Should I do the Shred 2x a day? (If my body isnt too sore) LOL I'm still on Level 1 (D5) and I look forward to the jumping jacks!! They are the easiest for me to do.
  • D4L1 Complete!!!!! Exercises are getting easier. Not ready for L2 but I'm hoping to be by thursday or friday!!!
  • at the exercise tab lookup "circuit training, general" put 20 or 30 minutes.
  • I am so proud of myself!! I keep pushing myself!! D3L1 is complete and you guys were right!!! I am noticing I can do more this time around. Never thought it would be possible with all the soreness I have but man when you are determined to do something adrenaline takes over!!! Thanks yall for the support. I wish I could get…
  • YES!!! Going down the steps hurts more than coming up!! What's worse is when I'm at work and have to use the bathroom (I dont sit on public toilets) and I have to squat.....AHHHHHHHHHH......PAIN PAIN PAIN!!! This is when I wish I was a guy and could twinkle standing up!!! Even when I'm home and I'm trying to get up from…
  • I'm glad you mentioned that you barely bend your arms in the beginning, because thats what I'm doing now. I thought I was pitiful and the only one that does that. It's good to know that I'm not in this alone. THX!!
  • Thanks Steph, thats what keeps me moving forward. Eventually my body will catch on to the new "me" and cooperate!!
  • Hi I'm a newbie!! L1D1 and I am out of shape. Couldnt even do a modified pushup. That is very discouraging. I was sore IMMEDIATELY after the workout. Thats not normal right?? I'm gonna feel it in the morning. I have a few questions for yall: do you do the dvd everyday? If so, how do you workout when your body is terribly…
  • Finally got my DVD yesterday!! Ok I just did Day 1 Level 1 of the 30day Shred DVD and I'm drained!!! P90x is gonna have to wait a long time. DH is gonna be using that one!! It was a good workout and I'm convinced I need to keep it up because Im out of shape. I couldnt even do one modified push-up. Thats terrible. While I…
  • ***update*** My doc said I can exercise. She said nothing too extreme so I guess P90x is out for now. But I'm doing the 30 day shred. If it starts to hurt around the cyst area then I'll stop, but I'm focused.
  • Thanks very appreciated!!
  • I'm new here but I think I'm gonna be obsessing too!!
  • Thanks. Don't know yet. I pray I don't.
  • Yea I heard p90x is really hard. my hubby is gonna do that one. I'm gonna start off with the Shred and then work my way into P90x. I need to be pushed. I have this huge cyst in my ovary and sometimes it bothers me so tomorrow I see my doc and hopefully I will get the ok to start my program.
  • :smile: I'm 5' 9" and shooting for 150
  • Wow you all have a head start!! I'm waiting for my copy to come in the mail. Plus I have to get the okay from my doctor. I have a huge cyst in my ovary that sometimes bothers me. I am so focused I can't wait!! Can I join you all?
  • I bought P90x and 30day Shred (Jillian Michaels). I have a membership to the gym, but when its cold I don't feel like traveling to the gym
  • Hi Laurie. I'm new here too!! I am super excited to get started. Just waiting for my workout DVDs to get here to get started. Been too lazy to go out into the cold to head to the gym. I hope you lose big time!!! Good luck in your journey!!