Vitamin100 Member


  • Hi Michellyn, I've been allergic to milk protein for many years (diagnosed around 13 years ago, but went unnoticed for many years and nobody suspected milk). I dont have any dairy in my diet....except cheese sometimes, as I've simply been too weak to resist it. Little cheese here and there seems to be ok for me, but…
  • When cutting food groups out, just remember to make sure you stick to a varied diet in order to get all the nutrients your body needs. For non dairy diet, it's very important to get the calcium elsewhere, for example dark leaf greens. (kale, broccoli etc are high in calcium)
  • Once you put your mind to it, you can follow dairy free diet without too much difficulties. :-) And once you realise how much better you start feeling by cutting dairy out - you wont even feel like having a yoghurt or ice cream any more! I'm allergic to milk protein and have a serious IBS so I've studied a lot of nutrients…