

  • Hi Everyone today is Monday, I go tomorrow for weigh-in. I am not looking forward to it because I had a very hard weekend. We had ice and sleet followed by snow. No going out to the gym and I just wasn't in the mood to do anything at home. I am reading the Book "Solutions" which is on the reading list from Opitfast Welcome…
  • Another trick I did was I took a bar of soap and had a friend do my out line on the mirror. I used the full length one in my bedroom. Only I can look at it and see how i am doing. I held my arms up to get the outline of my arms and kind of spread my legs out too. My outline is changing each month. It is really helpful to…
  • Yeah for you on your lost weight! That is fantastic. Keep up the great work and keep drinking the water, water, water. That's when I had my 6.9 poung weight loss. I know you thing the bars a pricey but they work. I use to purchase a McD's caramel mocha at $3.79 a pop. (Some times two or three times a day). My shake is only…
  • You are doing so very very very good. Experimenting is the key to keeping you going. I like cinnamon in my chocolate Shake. When I need energy I use nutmage. Maybe it is in my head but, it works. Keep up the good work.
  • Don't get discouraged because of your food allergies. You a learning how your body taken in the nutrients and uses them. I see that the positive side is that you are learning what you can't have allowing you to focus on the new and exciting things you can have. You have the opportunity to experiment with foods. Take the…
  • Sharing some thoughts today: Head Hunger vs. level of felling full For me this has been a real struggle. I have never really had a handle on this felling full. I use to eat and eat till I couldn't eat no more; which is really bad for you. Now, I am getting comfortable with it. I am learning to do several thing. I am sure…
  • Hi Rachael and welcome to this group. You are doing fantastic. If you start to question how you are doing grab a 25# bag of potatoes and see how long you can carry it. I did this the last time I was in Kroger and let me tell you I couldn't hold on to it very long. That equates to how much 25 pound felt like on us.…
  • i have been doing the Opitfast for two months. I had surgery in March 2013. I have just begun to lose weight. I am enjoying the chocolate shakes. I have been adding cinnamon for flavoring and they really taste good. I have been trying to get my 100 ounces of water in. I usually add lemon juice to it to get it in. My…
  • Hi, How is the 1/4 teas xanthum gum and 1/8 teas guar gum added to you shake doing. I have been adding benefiber. It can be very expensive after a while.
  • Welcome back to the program of Optifast. Good luck with you program of being on a modified program.
  • Hi I am new here as well. I have been on Opitfast for a while now. I know that you have to drink 100 Oz of water a day, I thought I would never get it in. I took me two weeks to get it all in. But then I started losing a lot of weight. One week I lost 6.9 lbs. I did have a lot of potty breaks. It is so worth the drinking…