alucard835 Member


  • Wow!! That's great progress! Keep up the fantastic work!
  • Diet soda is filled with all kinds of chemicals and preservatives. It's better to drink them very rarely or not at all.
  • You're not going to like this answer but you really have to watch your calories if you are trying to lose the last 5-10. Cut out any processed foods. Go organic as much as you can. If it didn't come from the ground or have a mother DON'T eat it. Whole grains NO alcohol. I mean it! Greens are free food. They are high in…
  • You don't want to overdo it but if you keep moving, even if you are sore, it will help your muscles recover quicker. Do something light like yoga that will help you stretch your muscles out and keep your body moving. If you are finding yourself to be incredibly sore you might want to tone back the intensity. You want to be…
  • You need to figure out what's causing you to eat. If you say that you "can't stop eating" there has to be something triggering that response. Food is an amazingly comforting emotional coping mechanism. Once you get to the bottom of those problems and start working on yourself and being comfortable and happy with who you…
  • Fat is nothing but stored energy. When your body utilizes fat, it's energy that it's not getting from sugars (glucose). Your body turns to glucose first, fat second, muscle third. Your friend probably got liposuction for no reason. Getting fat off is just simple calorie counting. 1lb of fat is 3500 calories. Create a…
  • Side planks can be tough. Make sure that you are engaging your abs and not putting all the load on your shoulder or your neck. You want to make sure that you are using your hips and not your shoulder. That balance comes from your core. Need to strengthen it!
  • If you eat a protein with your fruit like a little peanut butter or some yogurt, it will help equalize the blood sugar spike and you won't feel hungry as quickly.
  • Just remember that in your weight loss journey, there are no failures. You may slip up some days and you may not be able to give a workout your all on some days but, tomorrow is always another day. It's happened to me. I can only do 30 minutes of a 45 minute workout, I have to bump down to lighter weights, or I just flat…
  • This is true. If you're in a plateau period, just work through it. Usually lasts 2-3 weeks maximum. Using this site, you can get a good estimate of how many calories you should net per day based on your weight loss goals. As long as you are close to that number, you should be in good shape. What you eat is important! Make…
  • Muscle gain usually is gradual. About 1-2lbs a week is typical unless you are supplementing big time and you're using heavy heavy weights. Other measurements are important as well. My weight had stayed the same for a long time but my pants were looser :P
  • Make sure you work out 5-6 days a week, with one day of rest MINIMUM. Your body needs to rest.
  • Make sure your body is getting enough calories. If you are working out nonstop, make sure you are eating more than 1200 calories at the LEAST. If you are not consuming enough calories to balance out expenditure from exercise, your body will start to hold on to fat as a starvation mechanism. This site will tell you how many…