Felipe20 Member


  • Exactly what she said. Figure out your daily Protein, Carbs and fats (healthy) ... too much fruit IS bad for you.
  • What is your objective young lad? To answer your question, yes 5x5 is ideal for building muscle if you are lifting at 70 or 80% of your one rep max. I personally like to do 4x7 .... anything over 40 reps is overkill if your goal is to lose fat while maintaining muscle.
  • Absolutely, protein shakes are simply protein in powdered form. Make sure you are consuming the right amount of protein, carbs and fats (healthy) ... its all part of a complete diet. Stay golden pony girl.
  • Absolutely. I know some people say not to guesstimate your calorie intake but I do it occasionally on certain foods, but only to a reasonable extent. Sometimes you consume less than what you actually intake and keeps you motivated when you lose a pound unexpectedly, but just as long as you do not exceed your calorie intake…