mspink7022 Member


  • Yay we can do it ladies! I have been tracking for 5 days now, which is pretty much unheard of for me, and I lost 2lbs. I am feeling good. I just keep thinking about the baby, and that keeps me going when I want to eat bad.
  • Thanks for the tips. I have my food scale already ;) My tdee is 2682. If I am eating between 1800-2000 as suggested by MFP that will be a deficit of 6-800 cals per day. This means I should lose 5-6lbs per month. Does this sound accurate?
  • :) I definitely want to lose more than 20, but that is my mini goal. I definitely know it's much harder having a baby while overweight because my cousin was during her pregnancy. I watched her struggle, and she ended up with gestational diabetes.
  • I am losing weight to be healthy but I have baby fever and my husband and I are ready for babies. I hope to lose 30lbs by the end of the year and then hopefully get pregnant :) Weight loss has always been a struggle, but I think it will be easier to do knowing I get a sweet baby at the end :wink:
  • Ok thanks, I did 1.5 and it changed to 1810. That seems more reasonable. Thanks!
  • Ive gained weight because of a breakup also! it happens! i will get right on filling out my profile as well