shananvan Member


  • I just started exercising about 4 months ago after a very long, very sedentary period of time. I have set a goal of running a 5k in May for which I'm completely committed and scared to death. I decided to start C25K on Monday so seeing this thread was perfect timing. Having not run since Highschool decades ago, I…
  • I'm in HR, I manage the department and respond to the day to day disfunction that occurs. Stress? For sure! I'm right there with ya!
  • I also just sent a request. This is my second time around and I have about 100 pounds to lose. I knew I was overweight but I recently went to my cousins wedding and when I saw the pictures . . . whoa! That and all the dancing killed my knees so now I am on a journey to lose all this bulk and become active. The next wedding…