Ran 6.25 miles this afternoon in 1:02 to make... ... ... 53.99 MILES FOR OCTOBER WOOOOO! Gonna do more Sunday, already beat my September record!
Starting Strength is an excellent program for beginners. Start REALLY light so you can nail your form, and add 5 pounds every time you come back.
Since I'm trying to think of my new-found love for running as a new part of my life indefinitely, my goals are mileage. Half marathon in February, just about to 10k without stopping now!
38.71 so far in Oct! ADD ME ON MAP MY WALK!
C25k was the best decision I've ever made in terms of weight loss. I'm now running ~25 miles a week a few months after finishing the program. It has helped me shave off some weight! Remember the program really isn't about getting to 5k in 30 minutes at the end, it's really about just being able to run for 30 minutes.
Did this last month, got 46, determined to get 60 this month!!! 14.6 so far!
Just logged 4.4 for my last September run, making 45.38 in September! I'm still proud of myself ! :D
I'm TOTALLY in. 19.08 miles so far in September according to my MapMy Run. Geesh I gotta step it up to finish 50!