

  • Checking in.. Zoe, 24 from West Auckland. Need to lose around 15kg still.. joined MFP a while ago, hopping back on the band wagon now :) Keen to meet up with any others in West Auckland. I want to start swimming again this week at west wave once or twice a week after work :)
  • Hiya! Ive just joined too. 1 week down and so far finding it really fabulous! I am Zoe, from Auckland :) Good luck!
  • Hi Everyone, Zoe from Auckland here. I am new to MFP, am 23yo and have always been a bit porky. I work 40 hours a week as a teacher and am in my 3rd year of studying towards my diploma by correspondence so time isn't on my side.. However I can change my food intake. SW: 81kg GW: 65kg GW By xmas: as close to 70kg as…