GuineaPiglet Member


  • Not a recipe, but those 40 calorie no sugar added fudgesicles are a lifesaver, no joke. Obviously not a good option if you're serving guests, but if you desperately need something sweet and surprisingly satisfying and don't feel like actually making anything...they're very convenient.
  • Sunflower seed butter.....though I haven't tried almond or cashew butter. I'm afraid I'll really like them and that the purchase will not end well.
  • Kale and tofu? I understand you're frustrated and want him on board with this, but I think if I were in his shoes, I would totally pig out during the day to avoid Kale and tofu dinner as well. There are plenty of healthy meals you two could enjoy together. If he's a ribs and burgers guy, asking him to switch to Kale and…
  • Okay, I'm not going to lambaste you for this one as some other comments have done, because as an overweight new gym go-er myself I do see a lot of fit people at the gym and at first it made me uncomfortable and self conscious. I get what you're saying, I do. Then I realized they weren't looking at me through judgmental…
  • This is sort of unrelated to actual calorie burn during illness, but I remember watching a medical program back when TLC actually had such things... where the person had a serious injury (burns all over his body). He was in the hospital, dying not from the burns, but because he was starving to death. The amount of calories…