

  • Thanks ladies! thats another thing - muscle mass because i know some people (a little bit of me included) that may have a little more muscle than fat. and then body type- all these factors i guess have a part to play. i will aim for the 180 and from there i will know whats the best fit for my body. you know the funny…
  • Thank you everyone for the support! and good luck to everyone!-
  • Thank you for the replies. I started doing different zumba dvds for about 2 months now. before i just did yoga. I must admit that it may be my fault because of the fact that I stuck with a dvd that was a favorite of mine and refused to try to change it up. With regards to the calorie counting and eating small meals…
  • Hi! Trust me I can relate. I feel like the only thing that looks strange on me is that flab under my arms.(well the boobs look a little weird too):embarassed: but I myself would love to know how I can firm up that area.
  • Hi nice to meet you all too! Wait am I doing this right? lol. Its just really great to not be doing this alone. I really need the support because its so easy to get tired and frustrated.