

  • Personally for me they're a yay. I think like a lot of other people have said you've just got to have everything in moderation and while they might not necessarily be good for you I don't think they cause weight gain - unless you're drinking a ton of them very often as that would slow down your metabolism I hear.
  • Mine'd probably be the Nescafé Vanilla Lattes - they're 79 cals a sachet but I find them really tasty and if I'm feeling a bit peckish they usually fill me and they get my sweet tooth too! Oreos are 51 calories each (I believe?) A bit higher calorie but great if you just really can't kick a craving are Cadbury's Crunchies…
  • I've done it before, but gave up after about 20 days as I was really busy with exams haha. But I have more free time now and so I started it again, I'm 8 days in and so far it's going well! It definitely works :)