Tass175 Member


  • I am 41 my son is moving out and heading to college. I am working on me now, getting and staying fit. No time like the present. I wouldn't mind losing 40 lbs but I am ok where I'm at. I would just like to be fit. I try to challenge myself with different activities and trying something new.
  • What is MALD and JASSM?
  • I keep weights in my living room and in my bedroom so they are always staring at me. Reminds me to wirk out every time I walk past them.
  • CA
  • Hello, I'm Tass. I am also going to be having the GS done. I do not have my surgery date yet. I am waiting to get the final approval from my insurance company. I hope to have mine done late this month (wishful thinking) or early Dec. What do you think about not having a real thanksgiving dinner or Christmas dinner?
  • I am also in the process on having the gastric sleeve done. I am starting my weight loss now before I have the surgery. I have lost 80 lbs on my own in the past but gained it all back plus some. I think with the surgery I will be more likely to keep it off this time. My ultimate goal is to be active. I want to start…
  • Yeah phone books just dont get used in our house except for recycling. As far as cell phones, I hardly use them, love my land line. My son goes out and plays he is very limited on any tv use weather it be video games or movies, and we do not have cable.
  • Ive never been skiing or snowboarding, but I have been sledding once.