

  • Hey! I was sleeved on June 21 and was looking for the same thing. I'm pretty sure the folks here frown upon weight loss surgery, but there are a LOT of us from verticalsleevetalk.com and obesityhelp.com who use MFP to track our food intake and exercise. Wish we could have our own thread, or at least one for people who have…
  • Welcome! I'm originally from the Bronx but moved to NJ in November! Best wishes :)
  • One of the reasons many people on psychotropic meds do not take them as prescribed is because of side effects that often include weight gain. When I was a teen, I was on them, and I BLEW UP! It just made everything even worse. You should speak to your doctor abt the side effect and ask if there are other meds or a…
  • Men have more muscle mass than women and muscle burns 10x more calories than fat. Their bodies are calorie-burning machines just on physiological make up. Thats why I don't think weight-loss competitions should ever be co-ed. It isnt fair. It's comparing apples and oranges. This doesnt even take into consideration hormonal…