

  • I think you are not eating enough calories, skipping meals is not idea because I doubt you will be able to maintain this in the long run. The fact that you have not lost a pounds and even put on some is quite abnormal. I recommend you take some multivitamins and maybe try to cut out the dairy you are having in the…
  • I don't think so ! I don't eat gluten and i can tell you I eat a lot of fibre and I have been healthier ever since. Go figure, when I really want to eat a pizza I make the crust out of zucchini It's healthier, packed with fibre and tasty and gluten free. That said, going gluten free is not easy, far from that but…
  • i tried this about 3 months ago and I failed ! It was an epic fail lol ! I knew it was time to stop when I went down and couldn't stand up for about 15min, I literally just sat on the floor for 15min lol ! That said, Im ready to try AGAIIINN !! I'M IN !!!
  • add me too !! I need friends, I don't want to feel alone in this journey. I am starting today and wish to lose 35 pounds before the end of the year ! I will add as many people as possible ! thanks
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