

  • while yes, it may just be easier to cut out 500 calories a day, it is not that easy for some. I have been on a constant roller coaster with losing weight. counting calories has made me OBSESS over the numbers to the point that it was ruining my life. I'm an obsessive person by nature and already have an extremely unhealthy…
  • Well, since I'm new to this group I figure I might as well share some insight on my story as well. When I was younger, I was always a bigger girl. By 5th grade (11 years old), I was the tallest in my class at 5'6. Being this tall, playing basketball was basically a given. I wasn't very good, but because of my height, I…
  • -you pour yourself a glass of milk and find the milk in the cupboard 3 days later.. -when you yell at your boyfriend for throwing out your bag of lettuce only to find it in the cabinet under the sink... i cant even tell you how many times i have done this with various items. bags of lettuce, my keys, forks; the list is…