wendyfahy Member


  • Hi I read an average way to find your max heart rate is to take 220 and deduct your age. Obviously this isn't exact. I bought a Hrm and then googled how to work out training zones and lots of websites with calculators came up. I bought my Hrm off amazon for 15.99 and it's fab. It tells me how many cals burnt and everything…
  • Thanks its42uk - roll on month 2 and hopefully good bye to my baby belly x my little girl is nearly 6 months old so feel it's the right time to do insanity I'm hanging around the 10 stone 9.13 mark eating healthy apart from Saturdays when I eat what I like and have wine!!!! Good luck for the weigh in on Sunday Joe!!!!
  • Hi ! We'll done, I am on day 5 of week two and not seen any results yet have you? I'm gonna keep going but I feel a bit disappointed. I still stop quite a bit but I am sweating and red faced when I've finished so surely it must be working!!! I bet your so pleased with yourself for getting to where you are now - Big well…