Here's my iced coffee drink recipe that I make.... ! cup skim milk 2-3 tsp instant coffee granules 1 packet Sweet and Low (or sugar/honey to taste) Optional: 1 tsp cocoa powder or sugar-free chocolate syrup, vanilla extract, or any other flavorings 5 or 6 ice cubes (more or less depending on iciness you like) Blend all…
You're at a good weight for a teenage girl. Keep up your physical activity and your Basal Metabolic Rate (the amount of calories you burn daily doing regular activities) should still keep your weight at a normal level.
Despite how "lean" a Lean Pocket may be, you could easily get away with eating a turkey sandwish (low- or fat-free turkey breast) with two pieces of whole wheat bread, and a salad or some Baked Lays potato chips.... all which equal around the same calori and fat content as a Lean Pocket
Instead of seperating cardio from weight lifting, combine them. By working multile muscle groups at the same time, you will burn more calories, and therefore lose more weight. For example, instead of doing just bicep curls, combine a bicep curl with a lunge or squat.