infernalcricket Member


  • In tandem with suggestion increased protein intake, I also suggested that the OP take up more strength training. I am not suggesting that I have the same metabolic/caloric needs as anyone else; you'll notice that the suggestions I've made have been in a range and, likewise, on a percentage basis. I encouraged the OP to…
  • Additionally, it should be mentioned that you cannot target fat loss. You can target muscle gain, but fat loss has to do more with heredity than it does the million sit ups one might do (for example). Try to incorporate a more rounded resistance/weight lifting routine. I'd suggest trying out Fitocracy. They'll set you…
  • It's a good bet to eat .8-1.2 grams of protein for each pound of goal body weight. MFP does not share my sentiment on this and I've noticed that I've had to utterly disregard its suggestions. I'd say start with .8 grams of protein/lb, especially if you're doing weight training. Shoot for a diet of 60% carbs (whole grains,…
  • First off, I can feel your frustration. It's alright. Now. First things first-- throw out your scale. It is not doing anything right now but hurting you. You are losing inches and that's great! You probably are gaining muscle but because you haven't lost enough body fat percentages to really *see* the changes (yet!), it…
  • Echoing the advice of others-- eat more! Eat to your macros! The food you're eating isn't necessarily bad (no food is bad inherently), but it simply isn't abundant enough. Cardio is not an efficient way to burn fat, additionally. Consider adding weight training instead. Additionally, I just thought I would point out that…
  • So I've noticed some potential issues right off the bat. First is the 1600 calories you have allotted to yourself is far too low. I mean this on an orders of magnitude scale. Your basal metabolic rate probably consumes more calories than this. Add to this 4 works outs a week and already you're in trouble. Second-- what are…