mztmarie Member


  • Try to flip your routine and do weights first, then cardio. I read that strength training first will burn whatever preworkout meal you eat, while the cardio will burn the fat. I tried it for a little while and was always ravenous afterwards, while still losing weight. Also really challenge your muscles, mix it up between…
  • I hate morning workouts too! I say make a playlist of your favorite jams and dance or walk 30 minutes. Can walk at your workplace ( I teach at a 2 story campus) and dance at home. No need to get fancy, just move your body till you sweat consistently.
  • AmyG1982, I get it. I used to have the same fantasy about taking an antidepressant that had the side effect of anorexia. I figured I'd feel better and since I would never really give up food, I'd just get skinny without the effort. I know, intellectually, that there are no shortcuts, but that doesn't make me NOT want to…
  • Get you a group of low cal snacks and stash them so you can grab something when you get hungry. I keep 100 calorie almond packs and protein bars in my car, home and work. I also have raw fruit and fruit cups and Oscar Meyer protein packs and protein shakes (I LOVE Pure Premier vanilla shakes). The snacks average about…