

  • Hello, nice to meet you all. I am looking for motivation as well. I am currently 5'3" and at 182lbs. I have been diagnosed with PCOS, GAD, fibro myalgia, and asthma. Because of this, I am on a butt-load of medications (i.e. birth control and anti-depressants). I want to lose this "medical weight" and be at 145lbs! Lets…
  • Hello! I was diagnosed with PCOS and have been on birth control since age 17 (I am 22 now). I also have fibro myalgia and GAD. I am currently 5'3" at 182 lbs. I am taking loads of meds for all my ailments. YOU ARE NOT ALONE OUT THERE! Its always great to find encouragement through others who are like you. I want to be…