

  • Yes! And loving every day of it! I've tried two times before this, but this time I'm actually sticking to it. I didn't realize what a fun workout it is c:
  • Too much, sadly. I've been doing it for over 4 years (stupid depression, just go away) and it's a VERY tough cycle to break. I'm my own worst critic, and I tend to twist things other people say as compliments into something else completely. I have a tendency to overwork myself, but thankfully have not developed an ED.…
  • Mine was when I realized my PCOS wasn't going to get better if I didn't lose weight. Oh, and that I'd never be able to join the National Guard if I didn't. So far I'm down from ~167lb to 148lb! (: I only have 16lb left to go until I go to MEPS (my goal is by January).
  • Yep, I'm short too at 5'1! I'm working hard on losing weight so I can join the National Guard in December. I'm actually sticking to this this time! I had a fairly significant weight gain since last winter. I gained 25lb which caused me to be too big for just about every single thing in my closet. Yesterday I reached a…