rvmyerscmi Member


  • Yep. And I just had a CBC about a month ago. Other than my frustratingly low RBC, everything is normal.
  • There's a few reasons I don't want to change my logging system. First is because it's been successful for years. I have standardized my meals and curated things to be workable for me. I've been doing this for nearly 5 years, every day, no breaks. I've developed this system over a long time. It would take two pages to…
  • The only metric I have for activity, and if I’m being a slacker, is my Apple Watch. I have my Move goal at 500 and it used to be 4-5 in the afternoon before I would hit it. Now, I’m hitting it before noon. Today was at 7:30am. A few months ago my daily Move total ended up between 550 and 650. Now, it’s usually over 700 at…
  • Changed the diary setting. I track components for most places, not menu items. The ones I do are simple enough that I can feel confident that I'm logging them accurately. Nothing I order is standard. I customize everything or supplement with my own items. I go to the same places all the time to the point that at many, I…
  • So I found a TDEE calculator online. It says i should be at 2,621. (I was going to post a screen shot but it doesn't appear you can add photos into posts) Now this really makes no sense. I rotate between the same freakin' 10 meals throughout the week. Week, after week, after week. They're programmed into MFP. Whichever…
  • Thanks for the replies. Let’s see if I can answer a few. Portion creep: I measure and weigh most things or use a standardized amount for an item. Ie, a grilled chicken breast is 170. They all come out of the same case at the store so while they may vary a bit, over time it should average out. I don’t really track veggies…
  • I'm down a little over 80 pounds and it wasn't until I was down the first 40 or so that people began to occasionally comment. Even now, they are very few and far between. Mostly, people don't want to embarrass someone who may be sick or have other issues that cause weight loss. Just because they don't say anything doesn't…