I'm certainly not finding the videos a breeze! And i've been using 5kg weights on each arm for the exercises so hardly lightweight. In addition to the videos i've also been running, swimming and done fitness classes. For example last night i ran to the gym, did a spinning class and then a core exercise class, and then ran…
The 1200 target is what was recommended by My Fitness Pal. I do eat back the calories burned from exercise. I don't think i eat much more at the weekend but i will try to be more careful.
Hi (in response to Mokey41) Thanks for your reply - i am lifting 5kg on each arm when doing the fitness videos and i am combining them with spinning classes, swimming and running.
I'm 4ft 11. My starting weight was 10 stone and i am now 9 stone 9. I work out 5-6 times a week and my net calorie intake is 1200 or lower (for example last night i ran to the gym 15mins, spinning class 30 mins, core workout class 15mins and ran home 15mins). This is the first time i've ever been on a calorie controlled…
I'm on day 7 of Level 3 and I can't see any difference between how I looked on day 1 even though for the past week I've done 5 gym sessions as well as the Shred. It's so depressing :(