Nospingirl Member


  • I am going to try cryotherapy. It is a process of using cold wraps. It takes about two months to notice the change, tightens flabby skin and gets rid of cellulite.
  • Just a suggestion. Really try to stick to the plan. I know what you are trying to do, but it shouldn't be okay to go over.
  • I want to lose over 150 pounds and have to really take it slow. I will be happy to reach my goal of 5 pounds by February 14. I used to want it to all be gone quickly but realized how unrealistic it staying off afterwards would be, so I am needed support to take it slow, reduce 10 calories or 15 calories a day. It adds up…
  • Hello, over 55! My name is Susan, and I have used myfitnesspal off and on for the past few months. What convinced me to join a group was the fact that I wasn't on here all the time. This is where you come in as I need support. Thank you for being here! Right now I'm sticking to tracking my calories and getting up off the…
    in Newby Comment by Nospingirl October 2013