Hey MFP pal you are looking too ramp it up for vacations because I am tired of croping out half of my body just to make myself feel better...keep up the good work!!!
I'm mid-journey and I'm still working on it....I've been kinda lax this summer, but plan to ramp it back up.
Great job!
Great job!!
I'm in Columbia, South Carolina USA...Columbia is the capital of the state of South Carolina
A better question would be what I didn't do...I've done Tae-bo, ARC machines, Zumba, cleanses, 5ks, swimming, 8ks, and on and on...But the one thing that worked for me the best was cutting the sugar, when I was really doing it right I tried to keep my carbs under 100 g because I got diagnosed as pre-diabetic (Which I may…
I am a work in process and plan to lose about 70 more pounds, but I'm 5'7 and currently down 75 lbs 305 lbs (September 2010) 229.5 lbs (August 2011) I have long way to go, but I'm proud of where I am!
LOL, I say go for it : )
LOL...your vanity looks just like mine with products everywhere...I loved the story all the pictures tell....Also, thanks for the tip on how much exercise its really gonna take for me to finish up my journey...I knew it was gonna take ALOT, but you just confirmed it...great job!
You're skinny pants picture looks like it came out of a look wonderful!
I loved the timeline just keep going down and was wonderful watching you meet your goals...great job!
I loooved Food Inc, that and Food Matters...made me change my eating habits COMPLETELY...I now eat mainly organic and natural products too....I'm so glad to hear someone else had the same look great!
Wow! I can't believe that's just 21lbs it looks like so much more...great job!
LOL...I loved the part about the high road being closed...I'm gonna have to steal that!...Great job on you weight loss and you look just beautiful, don't listen to the naysayers!
You have done sooooo well, great job. You are wearing that to the beach to strut your stuff!
Hey MFP buddy, you look amazing!...losing 50 pounds is a wonderful accomplishment and I know how hard you fought to get here...CONGRATS!!
Congratulations...I can definitely see the difference in your hips and all over...I'm also glad I've found this site because there is alot of sabotage afoot in my life, so its nice just to have a place you can go...'where everybody knows your name and their always glad you came' : )
You look AMAZING!! I wanna look that good in sweat pants one day...WTG!
I wasn't on this site yet, I hadn't found all you wonderful folks just yet ^_^...My first thirty came off by surprise...I had gotten diagnosed as pre-diabetic, so I went on a low sugar diet and twenty pounds just disappeared in about a lose the next 35 pounds I joined a gym and started walking everyday and it…
Sorry I'm a little starting weight yesterday was 251.5
I completely co-sign...that is pretty awesome!!
Congrats! I just WALKED my first 5k and even at 1hr 20 min I couldn't be prouder. I'm a reformed daily Taco Bell Chili Cheese Burrito eater. So everyone is just gonna have to be patient with me! ^_^
You look the the the necklace...and I especially love the way you're holding your head held high...way to go!!
Thanx for pics and the motivation...I'm doing Zumba also and the weight is really coming off...I looked down yesterday and saw my feet for the first time since forever...: 0
I do the eat every 2 - 3 hours thing while staying within the caloric restrictions and it has worked for me quite well, but it is a bit cumbersome. Although, if you can stick with it, it works!!
I'm doing my first 5k this month...I hope I can I finish and look as happy as you afterwards : )