

  • This is great to see people honestly discussing their uh oh - I lost it- unhappy munching days. Because everyone else can admit it, I can too. The worst were days reaching around 8000 cals (none being healthy), and then there have been far more days around 3000 cals. The best way of handling these troubles has been sitting…
  • I am a college student, and I am working on the same things! I'd love to be friends through these challenges!
  • I'd love to give and get support! Please add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • Just for encouragement, and pass it on, Good luck! I am just starting too, well sorta..ok, it's a re-re-re-restarting, but you can't give up, and something just feels right about doing this. So BEST WISHES AND FIND GREAT FRIENDS HERE! (I'd like to be your friend if that's ok with you!) Find some good techniques, tricks and…
  • Hello! I too am looking to lose around 30lbs! I wish you the best of luck, and hope you enjoy every day of the journey!