

  • HI! I am just now starting my first week on Body beast.. so happy to see the thread!
  • I got it a little while ago and have been fooling around getting ready but not actually starting. Yesterday I got a pullup bar and today I did the fitness test.. results were dismal but I guess that means that I have a lot of room to grow. Im kind of afraid of the soreness that Im sure I will experience when I actually do…
  • Tuesday another winner. No exercise but I needed a day off. Was under my calories and kept to my alternate diet soda /water plan. Heres to a great rest of the week!
  • Yesterday was a great day, I stayed under my calories and rode 18.5 miles on my bike. I ate back a portion of the calories, but not all. I also decided that I would alternate a glass of water with diet soda, since I love the diet soda. I want to drink more water, so this is a good way to do it and have it both ways. I use…
  • GREAT GREAT GREAT. THis is exactly where I am today. I had been doing just OK, but then totally lost it and gained back the little I had lost. I realize that I have to Cut back on carbohydrates (translation: no bread or sugar!) Increase protein Eat closer to my calorie allotment I KNOW how to do it, its just so frustrating…
  • Ok.. diary is open. Have at it.. critique away!
  • Wow.. that is GREAT! Of course you are a MAN, which makes SUCH a gigantic difference. My husband lost 20 pounds in like a month by cutting back on his m+m consumption. Really....NOT...fair! But to get back to your comment...I really dont think Im eating more than I think..I have been looking at calorie counts for a long…
  • How do I open my food diary? I would be happy to do that.
  • Sodium intake is probably high.. I dont really track it, except what the app says.
  • My eating habits were basically eating everything I wanted, seconds at dinner, snacks at night. OR, I would have a couple of really good healthy days and then eat like a pig for a couple of days. Not really feast or famine, but more like normal and binging. So, I FEEL like this is a MAJOR change in my eating habits and I…
  • I have exceeded each week, but by an average of a few hundred calories. Since I set my profile to be losing 2 lbs a week, and lightly active, I would think that I would still lose SOMETHING even if I went a few hundred over. Supposedly, at my goal weight of 175 pounds, I would need 2000 calories a day. This program is…