

  • you might already know this, but i'll say it anyway. you should be eating 3 meals a day and snacks in between to keep your sugar from spiking and dipping. it's those dips and spikes that keeps the weight on. That would help with the binging too. I've had both low and recently high blood sugar. That's why i'm here logging…
  • Oh this is easy. 3 kids for the last 30 years, an ex husband, a new husband, being happy age and lack of exercise. That about sums it up.
  • I didn't think my first post would be this one, but it is. I hate to see people abuse other people. And this is abuse. I didn't read all of the responses to your post, most of them said the same thing. Good riddence to bad rubbish. First of all you have to love yourself before you can love anyone else. Secondly, this guy…