I don't know what plan you are doing but what seems to be working for me is keeping my calories to around 1200 per day, exercising moderately for 30 minutes 3 times a week, and I will probably do one "cheat day" meaning I'll eat over my calorie limit, probably have something big and gooey and chocolate and fattening!…
WOW What an accomplishment! Both of YOU!! Congratulations!!!!
When I was younger and had my daughter, I gained almost 60 pounds on my 5.4" frame. I jogged, walked, and at the time went on high protein diet (atkins) I would go on for a week, off for a few days, on for a week, off etc until I had most of it off. Never have been a huge exerciser but I did jog a few miles a week, and…
You are hilarious. I hope you submit this to a women's magazine I think you have a career in writing!!! SERIOUSLY. I'm with you, believe it or not the same exact thing happened to ME!!!! HAHAHA:smooched:
I'm 59 and hoping to lose 50 lbs. Sensibly. It's a struggle at my age, and especially being female!! The weight seems to take forever to come off.
Hi all. I'm 59 years old and on a mission to lose 40 - 50 lbs hopefully by the end of the year. The reality is that at my age, and being female, it's extremely hard without cutting calories down to almost nothing. I am also not going to be running marathons, realistically. I am walking, swimming, and doing some Zumba but…
It's water weight. As soon as you start eating and drinking normally again it will come back up and besides STARVING yourself is not a healthy or fun way to get weight off.
You can do it. No one is perfect and everyone falls off......don't allow whoever said that to you the satisfaction of sabotaging your thinking!........I think you're just emotional right now. Been there. Finally motivated and I keep picturing myself 50 lbs thinner. Wow. Visualization helps. Good Luck to you.