BKnanny62 Member


  • yes, that happens to me alot. Not sure why. thats one reason . I have trouble staying with a weight lost program. But I am trying my best now . To stay with it. In my case. I think its because I have been so used to snacking all the time. and now I am not. So yes, it happens to me a lot.
  • You do not have to use the tin fold. I just do it. To keep from having to soak the pan. I just use plan tin fold . No certain kind. I like the McCormick Perfect pinch Rotisseris chicken Seasoning. and the Pam Butter cooking spray.I have used the Pam Original cooking spray. when I was out of the butter flavor. But I think…
  • I buy family sizes of chicken and lean meat. I then weight it out into serving sizes and freeze. That way, its allways just what I need per meal. Per person. We eat dry beans, canned no sugar fruits ( store brands) . I go to the store about tiwce per month. Once to walmart, and once to Aldi's. I shop Aldis frist. Then to…