amewha Member


  • I have a similar spreadsheet where I tracked everything over my initial 60lbs loss. I made it after two or three months had gone by and used it to determine what my BMR was based on how much I had lost (20 lbs or so by that point) vs food in and exercise out (I used a sum of squared error formula between the number on my…
  • Computer, two monitors, business cards, speakers, magnetic Bucky Balls (see Think Geek), phone, oscilloscope, two power supplies, function Generator, DVM, Headphones, Stapler, happy face foam stress ball.
  • My favorites are various racket sports, I like having the competition aspect as it is very motivation to me. My top two are badminton and squash. In the winter I also enjoy cross country skiing and snow shoeing. Use that winter snow to your advantage!
  • At home I mostly use: -Fluid Trainer 2 from Cycleops (lets you take your normal bike and mount it to the trainer, a necessity anywhere winter stops normal outdoor cycling and much more comfortable than "regular"exercise bikes!) -Elliptical trainer -Chin-up bar -Dumbbells with assorted weight plates, 7.5-60Lbs. -Exercise…
  • Simple, get an alarm clock that runs off of your bedside table and hides, the Clocky: I'm a total morning person, so otherwise I can't help at all. I work 6-3, and bike to work so I am up around 4:45am every day.
  • My brother and I challenged each other to do the "My First Triathlon" sprint several years ago. My training consisted of commuting to work on my bike ~15Km one way, doing a 5k run after I got home 5 days a week and swimming once a week. A couple of times before the race I biked to the pool, swam, biked home then went for a…
  • To be honest, I didn't like how pictures looked when I was at my highest, so my opinion of looking at those pictures now hasn't changed all that much. But what I LOVE is looking at pictures of me from the late 90s and thinking, dang! I almost look the same now! and that gives me a great rush.
  • Could your cousin move to stay with you for the 8 weeks? or is that prevented by her PO? Perhaps she could be helped by being away from the area/friends/etc that contributed to her being in Juvi in the first place.
  • A can of Campbells Chunky Sausage Gumbo with 1/2 cup of whole wheat cous cous + water added before microwaving it. Simple and super filling.
  • I have had some success with keeping my hands full, glass of water in one, and anything else in the other. I also try to position myself so that I am looking away from the table of goodies. In some situations with very pushy people I will refill my empty beer bottle with water and they are none the wiser. Next time you…
  • Biking, walking and hiking: Distance: 594.70 km Time: 32:52:22 h:m:s Elevation Gain: 2,121 m Avg Speed: 18.1 km/h It was a great month!
  • Mine always went numb until i found a great way to stop it. Unfortunately it involves a technique that makes me look like a toddler learning to walk and really shouldn't be attempted in public. (luckily my elliptical is at home) About every 4 or 5 minutes Instead of keeping my feet on the peddles all the time, during the…
  • Wine all the way!
  • What are some of his favorite meals? He might be more enthusiastic to learn if he is getting to cook something he really likes. (assuming they aren't too difficult to make.) Do you have a BBQ? The possibilities of simple delicious recipes are nearly endless (and a lot of men are drawn to the idea of cooking on fire) I…
  • Sometimes I can get rid of a sweets craving by very slowly eating a hard candy. A jolly rancher for example can last me for 20 minutes and by that time the craving is normally completely gone, (and for only 50 Kcal)
  • That is fantastic! Best NSV I have heard.
  • I posted this in another thread a while back: " I have gone through motivation dips every couple of months, what has worked the best for me is to set my goals to maintenance levels and enjoy myself for a full week. I know that any weight I "gain" during that week is simply caused by increasing the volume of food and that…
  • It goes back to the old question: "Which weighs more, a tonne of Feathers or a tonne of Rocks?" The answer is that they weigh the same but the feathers will have a much larger volume. I am sure that everyone understands when someone says that muscle weighs more than fat, that they mean that if you have more muscle and less…
  • Everyone is different, one of the numbers might be correct for one person and not for another. On MFP where you set your goals you can choose Sedentary, Lightly Active, Active, Very Active, this has a drastic influence on your overall BMR (it increases your maintenance calories by 10%-50% depending on which you choose) I…
  • I found the site and started February 16th 2011. I am down 55 lbs!
  • I try to buy the big bags of pre-cut veggies (Broccoli, Cauliflower, carrots) at a grocery store as well as a small bag of beef jerky or two. The bag of veggies gives me something to mindlessly snack on as I drive (used to be bags of chips) no dips required.
  • I have gone through motivation dips every couple of months, what has worked the best for me is to set my goals to maintenance levels and enjoy myself for a full week. I know that any weight I "gain" during that week is simply caused by increasing the volume of food and that it is not real weight and will drop off again in…
  • Give it a few days to stabilize again now that you are home. I have gone away for a week, gained 5-8lbs then had it drop right back off in the following week plus my normal losses once I got back into my normal routine. Don't sweat it.
  • I generally feel that there are two sides to the argument and that articles like this rarely look at both sides. There is the pure mathematical outcome that in order to lose weight we must use more calories than we replace, this is simple, defined and true. The other side is that in order to be healthy and happy (and keep…
  • My ride is 17km each way, fairly flat, and this morning I rode a personal best of 35 minutes!