LisaLou009 Member


  • Cycle 1 over. 11.8 pounds lost. On to Cycle 2.
  • C1D13. Officially put my pregnancy weight behind me. That's a wall I've struggled to break through. Hope everyone is doing well.
  • How is everyone doing? I'm still plugging along. Tomorrow is my weekly weigh in day and I'm looking forward to seeing my progress. Today is C1D12. Can't wait for Cycle 2!
  • I made this Parmesan Grilled Tilapia last night and it was really good. I made it C1 friendly by eliminating the butter and substituting plain greek yogurt for the mayo. Rave reviews by hubby.
  • Great job!! :bigsmile: I have one more week until C2 and looking forward to having some Malt-o-Meal. lol
  • I forgot to mention, I'm 1.8 pounds away from a momentous weight. My weight at my very first pre-natal appointment 13 years ago. I've seen the weight a few times over the years but rarely have I ever broken the barrier. I stall out there every time. Looking forward to achieving this "mini-goal" which doesn't feel so mini.
  • Great job!! I'm down another 1.6 this morning. I decided to have a cup of coffee. In the past, coffee is a nice cup of coffee with some type of sweetened creamer. I could never drink coffee without sugar of some kind. I had pumpkin flavored coffee with plain old half and half. It was great! I was so surprised. I actually…
  • I agree it gets easier as you go along. I'm on day 7 and I just sat and enjoyed my plain Greek yogurt with blueberries and raspberries. I just sat there enjoying the taste of the berries. I love eating this way. I sit and wonder WHY? Why has it been so hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle when I enjoy eating the healthy…
  • I have lost more, but I have followed the diet to a T and have more to lose. I think that makes a difference. 4 lbs down is progress and what's important is your eating a healthier diet and working towards a better you. If you lose 4 lbs every 12 days, you'll be at goal in no time.
  • So close to C2! I can't wait to get there! Although, I'm still trying to figure out how I will eat my carbs at lunch and not dinner. Today is C1D5 and feeling pretty good. I'm in a pair of pants that are a size smaller. In all fairness, my regular size had been a little baggy on me before so I don't think it's right to say…
  • C1D4 and down another 2 pounds. That's 5 pounds in the first 3 days. I have to admit I'm a little nervous about the quick weight loss. I have the "no more than 2 pounds a week" theory playing in the back of my mind. I'd love some afternoon snack ideas. We can't have fruit, which is what I'd really like to have. I eat my…
  • Once you've completed Cycle 1, then move into Cycle 2 which does alternate between the two different cycles for the next 17 days. Hope that helps!
  • Dr. Mike says no in the book. My thoughts are that it's too long and your weight loss will begin to stall out. You need to keep it guessing by switching it up. Cycle 2 is still incorporating Cycle 1 every other day, so it's not as if you're completely abandoning it. That's my two cents. I hope that helps!
  • galvodka, how's your protein intake? Could increasing your protein help your energy level? I'm on C1D3 and am down 3.2 pounds. I had a hair appointment last night. I had a can of tuna before the appointment and some V8 (not sure that was ok??) during the appointment. I got home late and went right to bed. I wasn't hungry,…
  • Hi! I joined the group today. Today is C1D2 for me and so far, so good. I did have a headache yesterday afternoon and a dull one today as well. Ibuprofen seemed to clear it right up. I don't know if that was coincidence or if it was a sugar detox. I didn't expect it so quickly.