Splkdancer Member


  • Excited to catch this challenge before it starts! Application submitted. Can't wait to be a part of it!
  • Name: Sara Age: 31 Height: 5'6 Current Weight: 215.3 Challenge Goal Weight: one-derland, 199 Ultimate Goal Weigh: 150 My motivation: (immediate) fit into a cute dress for my cousin's wedding in June, but also get healthy and feel great for the rest of my life My plan: MyFitnessPal calorie goals, StepBet challenge for…
  • Feel free to add me. I used MFP for four months a few years ago and had a lot of success, but have since fallen off the habit, gained it back and am restarting this weekend - committed to tracking daily, regardless of the ups and downs. Finally realized that there is never an "ideal time" to start and life keeps moving…