MarriedToItaly Member


  • happy holidays!!! January 1st. It's on. Bring it. (Until then, eat as many tortelli as possible.)
  • Salve Coccodrillo! Thanks for reading my blog! I have fun with it. It's also a coping mechanism. Italia can get me down sometimes. Vegan? Vegetarian? Oh my... yeah, my suoceri would die if I went vegetarian. But yeah, it's true - there are a lot of "poor" farmer dishes from the agricultural history of Emilia that are…
  • That all sounds delicious! Question... do you have a husband or partner? Is this person on board with the diet or do you eat separate things? One of the biggest hurdles for me is dealing with preconceptions my dearest hubby has about what is a healthy diet. Unless I want to make separate meals... it's tricky to avoid…
  • oh my goodness... there are many things that are said to be bad for the pancia. Then, of course, there's the fegato. LOTS of **** is bad for your liver, apparently. No, the whole grain pasta is quite nice really... the gluten free stuff is nasty. It depends a lot on where you are in Italy. The freshness of food is amazing,…
  • Hi, Joanna! Look at your little bar thingy! That's great progress! Welcome, you can teach us a thing or two I'm sure.
  • Salve! I looooove the pasta too. I've recently switched over to whole grain pasta (must to my husband's dismay)... but if you get a good brand, you can hardly tell the difference. At least those are more complex carbs than the white pasta. I've heard of LCHF, but come funziona with pasta dishes? Or do you just reduce the…