

  • I agree that you should buy yourself some new clothes that fit - even if you haven't made it to your goal weight yet - because it is encouraging to see yourself look good in clothes that fit your body NOW and it doesn't allow you to dwell on those "skinny" clothes that are still waiting in your closet to be worn. Enjoy and…
  • Hey welcome! Yeah, I love the Hawaiian Delight and yogurt blends... they are actually quite good! :tongue:
    in Hiya Comment by mwenthe March 2010
  • I dug out the tote of jeans that I've collected over the past 4-5 years, I daringly tried on a pair and they fit! Last month I had arranged the jeans in the tote: smallest sizes on the bottom, and worked my way up to the top with the the larger sizes. They weren't the smallest size in the tote, but I was so proud to be…
  • Hello! I'm 26, have 2 kids of my own (3 and 6mo.) and I definitely am catagorized as a chubby twenty. It is my goal to lose at least a pound a week until I hit my current weight loss goal of 130 by my daughter's first birthday, which is June 29, 2010. My wedding anniversary is the following day, and I would love to go out…