Congratulations on your weight loss to date!! I suggest a basic yoga DVD (surprisingly easy and you burn more calories than you think); or dancing to your favorite music for 30 minutes (you can involve the kiddos in this!); If you are watching tv: workout during commercials speed burst intervals every 1 minute and then…
:happy: I find that planning your meals is a must. When I don't plan and get out the door without a healthy lunch in my bag, then I go to the stupid vending machine! Healthy choices are a joke in there! Fruit is portable, carry extra. I grab a couple each day (when planning :laugh: )
I agree about logging diligently. I am sporadic sometimes and I can see the difference from when I am daily logging. I lost 5 pounds in 2 days (this won't be a typical 2 days for me. but it felt great) just by Really Watching what I put in my mouth. I think to myself before I eat, "Is this empty calories? Then don't eati…