LeeLee2412 Member


  • Let me first say, I just joined this group and I want to thank Sara and SS for all the information provided. I've learned so much. Most of what I thought was right is really just BS (saying goodbye to ice cream, measuring vs weighing, calorie intake...) which gives me hope for accomplishing my goals without having to…
  • Wow, how did I miss fish as an option??? I used to be so big on fish until I made the mistake of bringing it as a lunch and had my coworkers a little ticked off at me. Guess it would make a great dinner option though. I've never cooked fish by sauteing it, any recommendations?
  • I'll have to try the Larabars. I can't stomach yogurt no matter what I do to it unfortunately. Dark chocolate would be a good one. Do you have a specific brand you buy?
  • Thanks for the resources. How do you store your cut veggies? Mine always seem to be limp and/or dried out. Figure I'm doing something wrong???
  • That sounds like a really good recipe. I'll have to try it. I'm not the best chef, so hopefully it turns out right. And I think my kids would also love it so that's a plus too. I'll let you know how I do.
  • Thank you, I never really considered pudding as an option. I might even try to pair it with some fruit since I am really bad with not eating any fruits.
  • Sounds good. In your recipe, I'm assuming that they are placed in the sauce uncooked? I tried working with ground turkey and it came out so dry I couldn't choke it down if someone paid me to. Do have a secret for keeping it moist when not cooking them in a sauce? I've wanted to really give turkey burgers a try, but I…
  • Not a fan of eggplant, but I will definitely give the sauces a go. I have been scared of sauces since I'm not too good with understanding the labels and ingredients. But adding a sauce would definitely change things up. Thanks for the tip.
  • That sounds like a really good meal. Thank you. That's what I'm hoping. I had lost over 40 lbs in about 4 months and ended up putting it right back on (and then some). Trying to do a complete lifestyle change is a little more challenging than I thought, but I'm trying :)
  • I have done beef occasionally but noticed I would either not lose or gain a little. Do you recommend eating steak or ground beef? Lean pork seems to be in short supply in my area. There's always highly fatty pork roasts. Would maybe boneless pork chops be ok?
  • I haven't considered it because I always thought it was a shake thing. Tried those before and nearly got sick. I will definitely give it a go. Any brand will do or do you use a specific one?