miss_smilla Member


  • I broke one of my toes earlier this year and resorted to spin classes and cycling when it was healing. Weirdly this was the one exercise where there was little pressure on the toes - running, walking (especially down) and the stair master / elliptical were all teeth gnashingly awful - dull thudding pain! I'm on the fence…
  • My mum was diagnosed with the same issue, and had the same form of treatment as above and it worked. It seems to rebalance the fluid in your ears, which causes the issue in the first place. If you can't get to a phsyio who specialises in this, there are videos on youtube which will show you how to do neck and head…
  • For me, in spin, running and biking mfp always estimates at least a third more calories burnt than I actually do, according to my HRM.
  • I usually wear two. I'm not that big (36C) but I've found wearing a proper underwire high impact sports bra, overlaid with a crop top (or a top with built in support) means they don't move which is important for running / high impact stuff for two reasons 1) stops people staring 2) gives proper support which I'm sure I'll…
  • I routinely replace my sneakers every 6 months, as any longer than that I start getting heel and inner ankle tendon pain. It's recommended that you replace them this often if you run, but I've found the same for if you lift a lot or do a lot of impactful cardio (zumba, shred classes where you're bouncing up and down etc) I…