

  • I, too, have over 100 lbs to lose and these posts/replies have encouraged me today. I am only 4 lbs in but I know, from my years of experience, that 4 turns into 8 and 8 into 16 and 16 into 32....and so on. I am really trying to focus on the reasons I am doing this and not the reasons not to. I've already learned that the…
  • Hi, am new here but have the same question about ab workouts. Is walking and core strengthening enough? Congrats on your weight loss. Very exciting stuff! I can't wait to be where you are in the fight :)
  • We have a lot in common. I'm 43, as well. I've been on the same yo-yo, except it's the same 8 lbs. I need to lose a whole lot more but this is the most I have ever weighed and HAVE to lose it, NOW. Good luck to you!
  • I am looking for friends to support and receive encouragement through this long journey. One day at a time...one meal at a time, if need be. Tired of trying to do it by myself and lowering my guard to get support from those on the same weight loss road.