

  • I am retired from IBM and decided retirement wasn't for me (too young) so I am now in my 7th year as an attendance secretary at a local high school. Working with these kids keeps me young!
  • MEN ARE STUPID! the end
  • Introduce this website to some of your friends and get one or two of your close friends to do it with you. That has helped me a lot. I've been with this for 2 weeks and I've lost 8 pounds. Trust me, I need to lose about 57 more pounds, so I understand how you feel. I have a good friend doing this with me and we send…
  • Have you had your thyroid tested? I was having this same problem when I was in my 30's. Then I found out that I had an "inactive" thyroid. That was keeping me from losing weight. Once I was given the right dosage of a synthetic thyroid hormone, I started losing weight.
  • Hello. Even though I signed up on Friday, I really joined today. I am really hoping that this will help me "stay honest" and lose the weight,. I have about 50 pounds to lose. The website looks great and I hope they can get the kinks worked out so that I can access it on my blackberry too.