bribri606 Member


  • I don't have a working scale at my house right now, but I weigh myself when I go to my mother's house. As of Wednesday July 1st I was 4 pounds down. I have since changed my goals from 2 pounds a week to 1 pound a week, I couldn't handle the calorie intake being so low, I was always hungry and not doing to well, so now I…
  • Well last night did not end well. We went to town to do some errands late at night. (after Midnight) and the bf wanted some food, and I was up later then normal and hungry! so we went to mcdonalds. :( I did not do well. BUT that's okay! I may be over on my calories today, and I expect that, but I am going to do my walk…
    in HI! Comment by bribri606 June 2015
  • Oh I love bones. I've only watched a few episodes but it's really good. Even walking for that 20 mins makes me feel better about myself, hopefully tomorrow will be a little easier and we can go for longer
    in HI! Comment by bribri606 June 2015
  • That's awesome! Tonight I am making some hawiian chicken in the crock pot for lunch tomorrow at work. BBQ sauce and pineapple and chicken! I can't wait! I didn't get my 50 min walk in today. It is very humid where I live and I have asthma so it was hard for me to breathe and I was dripping sweat after 20, so me and the pup…
    in HI! Comment by bribri606 June 2015
  • I tend to keep eating somewhat the same way just way less. I think that this will help till I drop a little weight and I know that I will have to start getting creative. :)
    in HI! Comment by bribri606 June 2015
  • Oh! I work for a company that does college stuff. We have a lot of different departments, but I am an L2 support agent for financial aid office for a school in AZ, NAU. I work mostly with my L1 agents and not the actual clients which I love. I love helping them with assisting their student's from behind the scenes.
    in HI! Comment by bribri606 June 2015
  • Thank you! my diary should now be public.
    in HI! Comment by bribri606 June 2015
  • Thank you for sharing! I will be reading these while it is slow this morning at work!
  • I think that it's awesome to have encouragement and help along the way. I would like to make my food diary open to the public. Does anyone know how I can do that? It's so nice to meet others that work in a call center. I have 60 min lunches and usually don't do much, but starting yesterday, after eating, I will be using my…
    in HI! Comment by bribri606 June 2015