

  • As an aspiring henchman, I've auditioned many -- OK, three -- supervillains who wish me to do their diabolical bidding. Precisely what will you require of your minions? I have some experience as "cannon fodder" and "bumbling, inept lab assistant". Should I also prepare for side-effects from being an experimental subject?…
  • One-handed snacks you don't have to touch with your bare hands: - Biltong/jerky. If local grocery stores don't sell it you may be able to buy it from a butcher. - A smoothie or pre made breakfast drink (like Weetabix On The Go) kept cold in a small thermos. - Individual snack packs of raisins, nuts etc. sometimes come in…
  • *shakes head and looks disappointed* All I'm asking is that you try. Is that really so hard? Pretty sure you could pull off anything, BTW.
  • If it's a choice between greying or dyed, sure. Let it go grey. Regrowth is not sexy. Or…. …you could just shave your head. The world needs more completely bald men, they're irresistible! :heart:
  • It's so sweet that you're trying this hard to improve a difficult friendship! (:noway: Wow, that sounds patronising. I meant it more along the lines of "it is a far, far better thing that you do, than I have ever done…") For problem (1), I hope someone else on MFP has a suggestion. I have no idea. For problem (2), maybe…
  • Baked sweet potato slices (1/2 inch thick) with garlic and sage?
  • Congratulations! Very impressive. Do you think it's harder, sometimes, to consume less of a favourite (corn chips, for example) than to just give it up? I basically gave up wine, unless it's by the glass at a restaurant. It declines so quickly after opening the bottle, and I have nobody to share it with, so… mustn't waste…
  • Australian here, begging men with Polish or Colombian accents to visit! I'll listen to anything you say, just keep talking… :smooched:
  • Everything gives you cancer. It's like the Rule 34 of nutrition.
  • PB2 isn't exactly better, but I eat it because I need the protein. Being vegetarian, it's hard for me to get enough protein without going over my fat allowance. Protein shakes make me gag, but peanut butter (PB2) milkshakes? Delicious. It also works perfectly in a satay sauce.
  • A flower? For me? All is forgiven! In fact, I invite you to offend again! My amateur rhymes should earn endless derision, For a virtual posy I'll call anyone friend. Perhaps the more talented word-smiths are sleeping. More likely, they're here but remain on the fence. Not wanting to join me (yourself notwithstanding) In…
  • Poets in bed, bumping, looking for action… TLwineguzzler, your words are laden with attraction. How DARE you? This forum is a sanctuary! Never before has there been a post so tawdry. Certainly I'll concede the occasional misunderstanding. Innocent avatar photos of muscles commanding Are taken, by some, as prurient mating…
  • If I know I'm going to be too tired or busy to cook on Friday, I make something healthy and re-heatable on Wednesday or Thursday so there will be leftovers waiting for me. Soup, frittata, etc. That way I still have calories left for dumplings and cocktails when I go out on the weekend!
  • Sure, this happens to me all the time. Do you ever: - lie on your stomach on the floor or in bed? - do any exercises that put pressure on your hips, for example 'cobra' or 'superman' bodyweight exercises or barbell hip thrusts? - wear clothes (esp. jeans) with a low-rise or mid-rise waistband that fit a little too tight…
  • Custard! Seriously. Make a whole-egg custard ahead of time. Replace half of the milk you pour on your oats/cereal with this.* I usually don't bother adding honey to the custard, since most cereals are too sweet already. Nutritionally it's…
  • My best anti-saboteur is my Mum. She was the one who first decided to lose some fat last year. I thought it was a great idea and joined in. We swap recipes, joke around, encourage exercise, and at this point we're both in better shape than we ever thought we'd be. She's taking exercise classes - I would've lost money on…
  • Hi! I started at about 203 pounds (a year ago), and am now 127, so that's 76 pounds lost. There's no sagging, no loose skin, and I'm older than you so my skin is less resilient. Relax! You'll look great. :flowerforyou:
  • Have you considered some of the smartphone apps available? Many of them are free, and appropriate for about the same fitness level as Zumba and 30DS. Google 'workout apps' to find options from gentle yoga to intense bodybuilding. Since time seems to be your main issue, maybe one of the '7 minute' apps would be best. Of…
  • Could you use the bathroom sink to wash it? A lot of small businesses/studio apartments don't have a kitchen sink, and that's what they do. Just keep some dish soap etc. in your room.
  • Hi! First, may I say WOW and congratulations for being brave enough to join a gym? I just start grinning like a lunatic whenever I see someone with a lot of extra weight who's serious about improving their health. :love: :flowerforyou: As for dealing with 'those days', there's nothing wrong with taking a break. If you're…
  • :laugh: In my mind, I truly believed that: - agar-agar mixed with cordial = delicious vegetarian jelly/jello. Not chalky, crumbling rubber. - stuffing and roasting a hollowed-out beetroot would DEFINITELY not taste like pickled dirt. - chia seeds, sprinkled onto salad or breakfast, were an excellent source of omega fatty…
  • Hi Sarah; If you want to make your recipes available to other users, just go to your Recipe Box (in the Food tab). - Click on the recipe you want to add, it will take you to Edit Recipe. - I recommend changing the name of the recipe to include your username 'skeenlyside', so it's easy for you to find and for everyone else…
  • PB2 = reduced fat peanut butter. It comes in powdered form, you mix it with water to make a spread. …still not as good as the real thing, but it helps me hit my protein macros without going overboard on fats.
  • Hi OP; Pesto makes a great pizza sauce. You might like a basic basil pesto, or something different (walnut, or kalamata olive, or spinach.) Ideas here: If you're looking for something that's still red, sweet and tangy like tomato sauce, perhaps a roasted capsicum sauce?…
  • Hi OP; I can't see the picture of the label, but here's a rough breakdown of the fat/protein/carb amounts you posted. 1.34g fat = 12 cals 9.66g protein = 39 cals 13.67g carb = 55 cals …so no, according to the numbers you gave there should be 106 calories per serve. BUT, per USDA standards, 100g frozen peas and carrots…
  • ^^Love this! Will definitely sneak the Xmas tree into another room and replace it with a tent pole on Dec. 23 this year. 25 May - Towel Day. In honour of Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Do you know where your towel is? First Friday of August - International Beer Day. Tends to turn into International…
  • I'm 1.4kg (3lbs) from my goal, and might be able to reach it by New Year's! There are so many 'best parts' -- my legs look fantastic, clothes are fun again, I have heaps of energy, but the best part of all… …is that I'm not finished. :noway: Wait, what??? Yep. I'm enjoying the fitness aspect of this so much that I asked…
  • Is that true for all bears? Polar, teddy, koala etc.? (edited due to complete and utter gif failure.)
  • Hi Dazza! It can be a challenge to get enough protein without too much saturated fat or sodium, but I promise it's possible. The link below shows protein levels for quite a few clean vegetarian foods. Getting my (minimum) 90 grams of protein every day requires milk, eggs,…
  • A. It doesn't need to know, just keeps everything chilli. Q. What's the worst joke you ever heard?