LuFitch Member


  • Anyone here from Peoria,AZ? B)
  • Also Hypo. Had my Thyroid removed a few years ago. I take 175 mcg Levothyroxine. Thought for years I couldn't lose the weight. Started walking with a friend and restricted my calorie intake and did lose 23 pounds in 2 and a half months. Lost my walking buddy and decided time to start once again knowing that it can be done.…
  • I can relate to most of what you I am not sure on navigating this site yet. But will learn. I am going to go to a gym since where I live I can afford the 20 dollars a month. If I had a friend I would just go walking. But my friends are skinny. I do at times get up and put music on and dance to it ,or read which…
  • I have just joined this site and trying to navigate thru it. People can just be heartless . Maybe they think cutting down someone elses self worth will boost theirs. I would look at those girls and tell them I can fix being overweight but you can't fix being immature and stupid. Or Just ignore them and keep doing what you…