MysticTigress Member


  • The same happened to me when I first cut carbs. I am low carb, moderate protein, high fat. What I did to fix it was to drink a bit more water and increase consumption of fibrous vegetables. I also added in low GI fruit like an apple a day. Apples are an excellent source of fiber and just adding that in really got me moving…
  • *sigh* I wasn't going to reply again, but since I'm being personally attacked now, I decided on one last reply and then I'm hitting ignore so I don't have to listen to more of this nonsense. Firstly, I am NOT promoting or advocating anything at all. I'm not the one promoting a fad meal replacement product. I've stated what…
  • Clearly you missed the fact that I stated licensed endocrinologist and licensed registered dietitians are the ones recommending low carb, high fat to their patients (PCOS sufferers, insulin resistant patients and also diabetics (both type 1 and 2). There is only one person on this thread looking to sell a relatively high…
  • I would be very interested in reading your scientific studies proving what you're saying. Every single study I've read thus far states quite clearly that a low carb/high fat diet is of great benefit to sufferers of PCOS as well as those who suffer from Insulin resistance in general, as well as those with Diabetes. I am a…
  • My Macro ratios at present are 50% Fat, 30% Protein and 20% Carbs. I'm also gluten free. I don't have the funds to consult a nutritionist or dietitian so I base my nutrition decisions on the scientific papers and blogs/articles I find written by licensed doctors and dietitians. That and my own instinct and observations…
  • I take no medications. My treatment method is 100% nutritional. Birth control is actually horrible for PCOS sufferers. You're at an increased risk of certain cancers from the PCOS alone, adding birth control to that makes your risk factor skyrocket. Personally, I'd get off of them. Metformin can be successfully replaced by…