MyaNo Member


  • You look amazing! Great job!
  • Wow you look so good! Good job!
  • Great job! I am about the same height and build as you but a little heavier, I started 31 days ago at 240 and this morning was 9 pounds down at 230.8! You are great motivation for me!
  • Thank you all for the feedback, I will use the lower number to calculate my calories burned. I am out of shape that's why I am doing this in the first place, I am tired of being out of shape. I also have a low thyroid just started taking medication for it 30 days ago when I started tracking my calories. Yesterday was the…
  • My heart rate the whole time was on the high side the machine kept telling me to slow down most of my workout my heartrate was around 160.
  • Yes the machine for my age and weight.
  • Try this website I don't know how accurate it is but you put your weight, the duration of the workout and it has a search feature for different videos
  • I have this same exact problem... I'm sorry just know you're not alone in this. I feel so good when I make it under my calorie goal and then BAM the next day or next couple days I just can't stop sabotaging myself .... I know actually keeping track of the calories honestly is a good step though, and I would probably eat…
  • You look amazing!
    in Onederland! Comment by MyaNo July 2014